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Haute Couture? More Like No Couture
Anyone who knows me knows I am not a haute couture kind of girl. There are no designer clothes in my closet. I don’t carry designer bags or…
Shout Out to Some of My Favorite Movie Quotes
Ask anyone for their favorite movie quotes, and I’m sure they would be hard-pressed to pick just one. Dialog and narration drive a story, and well-written dialog and…
I Love Your Accent…No, I Love YOUR Accent!
Everyone on my late husband’s side of the family speaks with an accent very different from mine. Dennis grew up in Trinidad in the West Indies, but his…
What’s in a Name…Really?
Hello, my name is Nancy, and I am a graceful klutz. At least that’s what my mother called me growing up. She also called me Nancy, Nance, and…
Can Someone Fall in Love with Horror?
Horror is the first genre I really fell in love with, the first genre I sought out as a reader. Not when I was too young, of course.…
Creating a New Puzzle When Pieces are Missing
About a month ago, on a total whim, I bought a new fish tank for our house. I had just dropped my dad off after a doctor’s appointment,…