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The Fine Art of the Rom-Com
I don’t know many women who don’t like a good romantic comedy. I’m sure they exist. Heck, I’m sure I have some friends who wouldn’t sit through one.…
Are We Really That Difficult to Understand?
We all know the stereotypes of the differences between men and women. Women hold a grudge after an argument. Men will get in a fight and then go…
Who are the People in Your Neighborhood?
We’ve all seen them…new-build neighborhoods in an undeveloped area that are basically cookie-cutter houses. Same frames, same colors, same windows and doors, and usually part of a self-governed…
Where’s Your Happy Place?
Sawyer, Michigan—that’s my happy place. It’s not where I’ve spent the most time. Dennis and I never went there together. But for one week out of every summer…
It Truly is a Small, Small World
According to Worldometer, there are about 7.9 billion people on the planet. The United States population is about 4% of that, at around 330 million. Illinois, where I…