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A Statement of Faith by Corinne Ahyee
Our daughter made her Confirmation today. I grew up going to church every week. When our daughter was born and before she started school full-time, my parents watched…
It’s the “Blank” For Me
One of the latest trends my daughter has told me about (because she is where I get all my trend information) is kids roasting one other with comments…
Contents Under (Peer) Pressure
Good and bad. Right and wrong. Positive and negative. Heaven and Hell. Virtue and vice. I would like to think I’m mostly on the left side of all…
Back to School Looks a Little Different This Year
I cried on my first day of kindergarten. 😥🤣 I was so excited to be starting school, and I waited patiently at the bus stop with my dad—and…
How Well Do You Know Your Neighbors?
When I was a kid, we knew the vast majority of the neighbors on our dead end street. The Morris family lived next door. The Andersons lived across…