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  • Long-Distance Liaisons

    Long-Distance Liaisons

    I am old enough to remember when making a long-distance call would cost a small fortune. You’d call someone and preface the conversation with, “I’m calling long-distance from…”…

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  • What’s Your Meet-Cute?

    What’s Your Meet-Cute?

    I was single when I bought my first laptop in 2001—a Compaq—which my computer geek husband told me years later was a ridiculous purchase because “who buys a…

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  • Confessions of a Reality TV Junkie

    Confessions of a Reality TV Junkie

    It is said that the first step in overcoming your addictions is admitting them. So here goes. “Hello, my name is Nancy, and I am a reality TV…

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  • Skeletons in the Closet

    Skeletons in the Closet

    We live in a world full of secrets. Some secrets are good—surprise birthday parties, engagement plans, Christmas presents, buying a new home, having a baby—things that will be…

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  • Poop! Is There an App for That?

    Poop! Is There an App for That?

    💩 When you’re sliding into first and your pants begin to burst….” If you’ve seen the movie Parenthood, you know what comes next in young Kevin Buckman’s song.…

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  • Ross and Rachel, Meet Lulu and Alex

    Ross and Rachel, Meet Lulu and Alex

    Ross and Rachel—an iconic, albeit fictional, relationship if there ever was one. Millions of viewers tuned in every week to watch the antics of the six Friends, but…

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