Story for the Week

Adulting is hard, and I’m not afraid to admit it. You work for a living unless you’re independently wealthy. You pay taxes, maintain a home, decide which groceries to buy. Basically, you have to make all the decisions.

On the flip side, you choose your career. You order out if you don’t feel like cooking. You can spend your money on books and games if that’s what your heart desires, and no one can tell you not to. On a whim, you can buy a puppy just because she’s cute, even though you already have two dogs in the house. (Not speaking from experience or anything. 🀫) Basically, you get to make all the decisions.

Sometimes we make decisions that aren’t the best. You can make the wrong decision for the right reasons and the right decision for the wrong reasons. That’s part of what makes adulting so hard.

The best time to be an adult, though? When you first become one…at least that’s what I thought until now. Now I think the best time to be an adult is watching your kid become an adult.

Corinne is going through all the normal things a senior in high school experiences. Senior portraits, applying for (and being accepted to) college, senioritis (yes, already). Her last marching band performance was this past Friday, her last fall musical is later this month. Her final speech season will start next month

About two months ago, I received a text message from Amazon informing me that Corinne’s account could be upgraded from a teen account to an adult account. I obviously added her to the Prime account as another adult, but receiving the text was a “wow” moment. I took a screen shot of the text, and sent it to Corinne with the message “πŸ’©’s gettin’ real.”

Gone are the days when I have to approve her purchases. Both accounts are linked to the main Amazon wallet, so I get an e-mail when she uses a card in the linked account. But it’s after the fact. She could easily add her debit card to her own wallet, and I wouldn’t know she ordered anything until it shows up at the door…even if it’s Funko Pops and squishmallows.

We had another text exchange about a month ago when her high school had a table set up in the cafeteria encouraging eligible seniors to register to vote. Corinne has been excited about the fact that she can vote in the next election, and this was a moment of teenage uncertainty on the brink of adulthood. She asked if I wanted her to wait until she was home and she could do it online with me. I told her to go ahead and register…because it’s not hard. πŸ™‚

Then about a week ago, I logged into Amazon Prime Video to look for a movie we wanted to watch. Lo and behold, Corinne suddenly had her own profile under “Who’s watching?” 😲And then I realized she also has access to my entire Kindle library…almost 1,000 titles, some a little racier than others. 😲😲😲 She doesn’t use a Kindle or a Kindle app because she prefers a physical book. I think (hope) my racier titles are safe for now. 😬

So what is she doing for her first day of official adulthood today? We are getting massages in the morning. She has a voice lesson in the afternoon. And then she wants to buy a lottery ticket…just because she can.

Happy birthday to the best kid a mother could ask for. And welcome to adulthood. πŸ˜‰

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